Organization and Accommodation Rules Pec

Organization and Accommodation Rules of the Training and Recreation Facilities of UCT Prague


1)    The training and recreation facility is a property of UCT Prague and the
        Administration of University Facilities (below “AUF”) caters to the
        operation. The Official in Charge is the manager of the recreation facility.

2)    Address of the entrepreneur:
        Správa účelových zařízení VŠCHT Praha (Administration of University
        Facilities UCT Prague)
        K Verneráku 950, 148 28 Praha 4 – Kunratice
        tel.: +420 267 189 111

Address of the recreation facility:
        Rekreační a školící zařízení VŠCHT Praha (Training and recreation facility
        of UCT Prague)
        542 21 Pec pod Sněžkou 227

Official in Charge:
        Simona Radová (+420 724 080 317)

3)    An accession to the accommodation is from 14:00 to 18:00, an ending of a
        stay and a vacation of a room till 10:00 A.M. – one can settle on
        exceptions with the manager of the recreation facility. It is possible
        to deposit baggage in the common premises before an accession
        and after a vacation of the room (based on agreement with the
        manager of the recreation facility).

4)    Children that can be housed in the recreation facility have to be 2 or more
        years old, animals have no admittance to the recreation facility.

5)    Each person having accommodation hands over an identification card
        for a registration to the House Book when moving in and pays area
        recreation tax according to the local public notice.

6)    The manager allots keys for rooms and the recreation facility to
        clients – each person having accommodation is obliged to lock the
        recreation facility when leaving.

7)    The staff of the recreation facility makes a change of bedclothes and
        general cleaning after ending of a stay. A person having
        accommodation clean a room himself during a stay.

8)    Smoking is strictly prohibited at the whole recreation facility.

9)    It is not allowed to take sports requisities (skies, sledges, bicycles etc.)
        to a room and it is possible to store them away in the dedicated
        common premises.

10) A person having accommodation is obligated to wash his dishes in
       the case of use of the common kitchen.

11) Silent hours are from 22:00 to 6:00. One can settle on exceptions with
       the manager of the recreation facility only in case of a collective action.

These rules are valid from 1 September 2005.

Prague, 4 February 2010

Ing. Stanislav Starý
Administration of University Facilities UCT Prague
