Halls of Residence Regulations
Opening hours of the accommodation office and the cash desk
How do I move out of dormitory accommodation in Sázava and what do I need to do about it?
How do I move out of dormitory accommodation in Volha and what do I need to do about it?
Rules for accommodation of university students in Halls of Residence of UCT Prague in summer season 2024 and academic year
of 2024/2025
The private electrical appliances usage at the halls of residence
Cash bail - abroad students (1.9. 2024)
Procedure for Violation of Accommodation and Residence Hall Rules
Laundry operation system
Sazava rooms 101 - 111
Operation Rules of the Fitness Centre
Operating rules for luggage storage on dormitories
Operating rules of the Volha dormitory bicycle room
How to connect to the internet
PRINT and COPY on Volha and Sázava dormitory