About training & recreation facilities

Pec pod Sněžkou
Táborová základna Bestvina



The facility is located not far from a town centre of Jáchymov in Krušné hory (mountains). This situation is ideal as a starting point for hiking or cycling. It is possible to visit Klínovec (approx. 20 km far) - the much-frequented ski resort.
The newly reconstructed facility offers an accommodation at double to four-bed rooms with own bathroom. A kitchen is shared. There are 11 rooms with total capacity 26 beds. It is possible to use a common room. There are some restaurants suitable to board in the neighbourhood.

Guests of our building can park in a limited number on a narrow access road in front of the house, but this parking must be considered temporary (when collecting waste every Thursday, it is necessary to vacate the place due to traffic).
Additional parking in the area can be arranged for a small fee when pre-ordering in the city Information center on tel. 353 808 128.
From 1.1.2022 we have 2 parking spaces 109 and 110 in K Lanovce Street on the main street under the building for a fee of 60 CZK/ car/ day (cash only).

Organization and Accommodation Rules

Školicí a ubytovací zařízení VŠCHT-SÚZ Praha
Palackého 709/56
362 51 Jáchymov
tel.: +420 353 811 005
mobil: +420 728 986 750

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Pec pod Sněžkou


The facility is located in Pec pod Sněžkou near the cableway to Sněžka. Pec pod Sněžkou is an active alpine resort in the highest mountain of the Czech Republic, open both in the summer and the winter.
Our recreation facility offers an accommodation at double and triple and four-bed rooms with a wash basin at each room. A bathroom and a kitchen are shared. There are 6 rooms with total capacity 18 beds. It is possible to use a common room with TV and WiFi. There are restaurants suitable for all-day board in the neighbourhood.

Procedure for handling the registered parking cards:

- when checking in for accommodation, guests receive a parking card from the
   facility caretaker. This card has to be returned when the accommodation
   stay is finished
- Parking fee is 90 CZK/day (cash only)

Public parking in Pec pod Sněžkou


Permission is valid for 5 personal cars of accommodated guests. However, there are 6 rooms in the building and so there might occur a situation when all the parking requests cannot be satisfied.
In such a case the following rules apply:

- for one room only one card may be issued
- employees and students of UCT Prague are prioritized
- physically disabled guests are prioritized (regardless whether
  they are employees of the UCT or not)

Organization and Accommodation Rules

542 21 Pec pod Sněžkou 227
tel.: +420 724 080 317
mobil: +420 724 080 317

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plán areálu pece pod sněžkou

Further information and orders:
Správa účelových zařízení VŠCHT Praha - Commercial Department
K Verneráku 950, 148 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice
Tel.: +420 220 447 206
Tel.: +420 220 447 126
e-mail: rekreace.suz@vscht.cz

Camping site Běstvina

Camping site Běstvina is a property of UCT Prague and has been managed by AUF since 1. 7. 2018. Due to its current state, all the facilities are planned to be gradually renewed. The camp site is located in beautiful and peaceful surroundings near the protected landscape area of Železné hory (10 km from the town of Golčův Jeníkov, 6 km from the Seč dam, 10 km from the castle of Žleby. The capacity of the camp is 160 beds (cottages, log cabins and a lodging house). The camp also offers plenty of sports grounds and places for relaxation and rest such as the nearby lake and abundant opportunities for tourism and cyclotourism as well as sightseeing and other outdoor activities. The camp site is sure to find its place in organizing traditional chemical and biological camps and other university events (such as get-together parties for new students, training of sport clubs, recreation of employees, summer camps for children, and various faculty and department events, etc.). The Charles University and the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague belong among many traditional partners that are likely to participate in active using the Běstvina camping grounds.

Operating Rules

Táborová základna Běstvina VŠCHT
Běstvina č.p. 155
538 45, Běstvina
Tel.: +420 469 662 131
mobil.: +420 601 341 689


Further information and orders:
Správa účelových zařízení VŠCHT Praha - Commercial Department
K Verneráku 950, 148 00 Praha 4 - Kunratice
Tel.: +420 220 447 206
e-mail: rekreace.suz@vscht.cz

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